Live Stand-up Comedy featuring Jimmy Kuratz
22mar8:00 pmLive Stand-up Comedy featuring Jimmy Kuratzat 3rd Floor Cantina
Event Details
Live Stand-up Comedy by Internationally famous Comedian Jimmy Kuratz at 3rd Floor Cantina ►►►Start time: 8:00pm sharp – LOCAL TIME ► JIMMY
Event Details
Live Stand-up Comedy by Internationally famous Comedian Jimmy Kuratz
at 3rd Floor Cantina
► JIMMY KURATZ is an Australian-American redneck STAND-UP comedian who generally does a 90-minute,
one-man show.
His comedy is REFRESHING UNCIVILIZED and politically INcorrect.
WARNING: If you are EXTREMELY Left-leaning or an extremely devout religious person, then you should NOT buy tickets to see this show!!!
However, regardless of your own political-leaning, FUNNY is FUNNY.
This dude is an ABSOLUTE CRACK-UP!
Don’t take our word for it. WATCH THE VIDEOS below or look him up on any major social media site: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok
●●► Achilles Injury —
●●► No VAN on School Property —
●●► Baa Baa Black Sheep —
Don’t let your friends and family miss out either. Spread the word!
● All of the shows have LIMITED SEATING … so buy your tickets ONLINE before they disappear!!
Important Links:
March 22, 2025 8:00 pm CST